I was ecstatic when I found Arva Flour Mill sold Red River Cereal. I have used two cups of Red River in my bread recipe for years and when it was no longer to be found I tried making up my own version of it with poor results. Now my 60% whole wheat bread recipe once again contains the extra grains of Red River Cereal and so does my morning porridge. The 5 bags including shipping option is easy to order, affordable and reliable. Thank you so much!
Cereal is tasty as ever. Memories of cozy breakfasts on cold Ottawa & Thunder Bay morning. And the t-shirt is great.
I've long been a fan of RRC, and was thrilled to hear from a friend (who gave me a bag when SHE discovered you were there and ordered in bulk a couple of months ago) that it's back in Canada and being produced right here in Ontario. It's perfect for these cold mornings (--so for about 8 months of a Canadian year. I might be complaining--) in my view. Hearty, good grains, and delicious with some maple syrup and chopped apples. Today, I paid it forward and gave a bag to another friend, who has never had it before. I think we'll have a new fan!
It’s a great product, I’m sure it’s my breakfast 6 days a week. It’s consistent in mix and the order to delivery is efficient
Love the product, love the free ship on the 5 pack!!
I only wish for two things, I REALLY wanted to try cornmeal, but it was not an option in the 5 pack/free ship.
I also wanted to try tapioca and pot barley which was about $15, however shipping was $41.50! Sadly the shipping charge eliminates trying your obviously wonderful products.
Thank you so much for bringing back Red River cereal and the great recipes!! I wish something could be done about the cost of shipping.