Red River Cereal Bread Recipe at Plummer’s Great Slave Lake Lodge
Peggy Overby was the Chef at Plummer’s Lodge on Great Slave Lake for several years in the 1980’s. One of the special food items she served was Red River Cereal Bread. She served it to Prime Ministers and Presidents from all over the world. Plummer’s Lodge Owner’s made recipe cards and handed them out when asked for the recipe. One of the recipe cards was given to Peggy’s Daughter, Cathy, and she is kind enough to share this recipe with all of us. Thanks Cathy!
I should add this recipe was affectionately referred to as Peggy “Cookie Dear” Cereal Bread
Red River Cereal Bread from Plummer’s Lodge, Great Slave Lake
Rated 3.3 stars by 53 users
Red River Cereal Bread
8 loaves
Prep Time
2 hours
Cook Time
1 hour
Peggy “Cookie Dear” Red River Cereal Bread. This recipe has been served to Presient’s and Prime Minister’s from around the world!

2 Tbsp Yeast
- 2 Cups Water
1 Tsp Sugar
5 Cips cooked Red River Cereal
- 1 Cup lard
1 Cup Mollasses
1 Tbsp Salt
6 Cups Water
9½ Cups flour
Dissolve yeast in 2 cups water mixed with sugar. Let stand 10 minutes
Add cooked Red River Cereal, lard, molasses, salt and 6 cups water and stir.
Add flour and stir to make a firm consistency.
Let rise for 1 hour until doubled in bulk and punch down.
Put into loaf pans and let rise again until doubled in bulk.
Put loaf pans in over and bake at 325-350F until done, about 1 hour. Yields 8 loaves
Recipe Note
We haven’t tried this yet but stands to reason if you cut ingredients by 1/8 you would have a recipe for 1 loaf. Enjoy!