Best Ever Sourdough Emmer Loaf!
Contributed by Julie from Farmhouse Fourteen
Behold this beautiful sourdough emmer loaf baked with Arva Flour Mills Emmer Flour.
Such a beautiful golden colour.
Best Ever Emmer Sourdough Loaf!
Rated 4.3 stars by 24 users
Sourdough Bread
Cook Time
45 minutes
I’ve been tweaking my sourdough method the past week or two to adjust to a warmer summer baking schedule. The weather and temperature in your home can greatly affect the way your dough ferments. It’s not unusual to accidentally overproof your dough.
Here's my Top 3 Tips for Making Sourdough Bread in the Summer:
- Chill out! Use cold water for starter feedings and dough mixing.
- Less is more - reduce starter by 20% in your dough recipe.
- Find the coolest spot in your house (basement for me!) to slow fermentation.
Sourdough loves year-round baking, just adjust with the seasons!

Mix starter and water together, add salt, then both types of flour.
Mix well until everything is well combined.
Let rest on the counter for 1 hour.
Perform a first set of stretch and folds, let rest 30 minutes.
Repeat stretch/fold/rest for 4-5 sets
Let the dough rise on the counter until properly fermented. This took 7 hrs at 22C. It may take longer if your kitchen is cooler or shorter if your kitchen is warmer.
Once proofed, take the dough out of the bowl and shape into a boule. Let sit for 20 minutes, then perform the final shaping and place the dough into a banneton basket.
Refrigerate overnight before baking
Bake at 450F in a preheated Dutch oven. 20 minutes with the lid on, then 22-25 minutes with the lid off.